Technology News

Covid-19 Contact Tracing app to finally launch in England and Wales

3 min read

The Health Secretary has announced a “defining moment” in the pandemic with the launch of the Covid-19 application across England and Wales from September 24, 2020. , the Department of Health and Social Care said that “The NHS Covid-19 application will be launched on September 24”. Matt Hancock described the application launch as “a defining moment” and said it will help to contain the virus “at a critical time”. NHS Contact Tracing app to finally launch in England and Wales.

Ahead of the roll-out businesses including pubs, restaurants, hairdressers, and cinemas are being urged to ensure they have NHS QR code posters visible on entry so customers who have downloaded the new app can use their smartphones to check-in.

The use of QR codes will replace the current system. When peoples enter a venue people have to manually fill in their contact details on the application. In the application, also include an alert system if coronavirus rates rise in your area, a symptom checking tool, and a countdown clock indicating for how long you need to self-isolate.

In the recent Last week with cases rising across the UK, The health secretary Matt Hancock said that “The new application would help the NHS Test and Trace scheme that used in England to reach people who have been in contact with a COVID-infected individual – to reach even more people.

The department of health and social care said that the trail of this application can begin last month. The application shows high effective when used alongside traditional contact tracing to identify contacts who have tested positive for COVID-19 disease.

Hospitality businesses can now download posters for their premises ahead of the launch of the NHS Covid-19 app. This will allow the public to seamlessly check in to venues using the app when it launches.

It is vital we are using the NHS Test and Trace system to reach as many people as possible to prevent outbreaks and stop this virus in its tracks. This function will make it simple and easy so we can keep this virus under control.

This application, which can be used Bluetooth to keep an unidentified log of those peoples in closeness. It has been afflicting by problems and delays for months.

The first version of an NHSX application was trialed on the Isle of Wight with a view to it being rolled out more widely across the country in last May.

In the month of June, the UK Government had abandoned plans for creating its own data-centralized app from scratch, instead of turning to the decentralized model developed collaboratively between Apple and Google, which the companies had made freely available.

The latest NHS application has been trialed again on the Isle of Wight and also in the London Borough of Newham, as well as amongst NHS Volunteer Responders.

Hancock said that “We need to use every tool at our disposal to control the spread of the virus and including the cutting edge technology”. 

The launching of the application later this month across England and Wales is a defining moment and will aid our ability to contain the virus at a critical time.

Past months ago, Ireland, Germany, and Italy used their own application and the application used as open source. Open-source software enables organizations to tap into knowledge from the world’s best developers and do more with less. The UK’s Government app stood a chance of actually being ‘world-beating. 

Earlier this week, the Scottish government launched its own contact-tracing app, called ‘Protect Scotland’, which it hopes will help control the transmission of Covid-19 across the country.

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About Sunil Baurai

Sunil is the Co-founder and Editor-In-Chief at AdvanceDataScience. He has also worked on Innovo designs solution and Maxus Faishon. He is a technology enthusiast (DevOps) and passionate about manual and automation testing and has solid experience with open source, data science, WordPress, and Microsoft azure high throughput, and highly-available environments. He is known for his great instincts, entrepreneurial mindset, and his ability to balance best practices and productivity.
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