Technology News

Google, Twitter Announce New Measures Ahead Of US Elections

2 min read

The American companies Google and Twitter have announced that further measures to clamp down on wrong information as the technology giants expect a flood of wrong claims on their platforms ahead of US Elections. It has been reported that Google, Twitter announced new measures against misinformation ahead of US Elections.

Twitter said that users wanted the micro-blogging platform to present disputed information that could cause confusion about an election with more contexts.

On the 10th of September in a blog, the American company Twitter said that unverified information about the election is rigging, ballot tampering, vote tallying, or certification of election results could undermine faith in the process itself.

 In this blog, it can be added that wrong claims about the results and the outcome of a city process. It could be lead to interference with the performance of the results process.

Google said that it would be screen more auto-fill results to avoid voters being a scam, particularly over reports claiming an early victory.

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One of the concerns is that the common use of mail ballots in the United State election due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation and it could cause significant delays in tallying results. The Experts fear this could allow wrong to gain absorption. The Last Thursday, Google said that it can be incorrect information about election results that would not be shown in search.

The result announcement of the election results has been certified and along with the wrong post about Twitter’s changes could also affect tweets claiming victory before election results have been certified; along with misleading posts about ballot interfere.

American company Microsoft was warned that the hackers whose relation to Russia, China, and Iran, they were attempting to snoop on people and groups involved with the United State, this year presidential election.

The US technology firm said that the Russian hackers who breached the 2016 Democratic campaign were again involved.

Search Engine Google changes the results automatically, which divine what users are searching for and it will remove predictions “that could be interpreted as claims against any candidate and any political party. The search engine Google can be also removed that type of function which cans attempts to predict and complete search terms. When people looked up the status of voting locations, voting requirements, and voting methods. Users will still be able to search for this information, however. Last week, Facebook said that it was creating a label for posts by candidates or campaigns that made premature claims of victory. They also said that it would stop accepting new political advertisement in the week before Election Day.

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About Sunil Baurai

Sunil is the Co-founder and Editor-In-Chief at AdvanceDataScience. He has also worked on Innovo designs solution and Maxus Faishon. He is a technology enthusiast (DevOps) and passionate about manual and automation testing and has solid experience with open source, data science, WordPress, and Microsoft azure high throughput, and highly-available environments. He is known for his great instincts, entrepreneurial mindset, and his ability to balance best practices and productivity.
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