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Huawei: MPs claim ‘clear evidence of Collusion’ with Chinese Communist Party

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It is clear evidence of collusion between Chinese company Huawei and the Chinese Communist Party apparatus, a parliamentary inquiry has concluded and the MPs say that the government may need to bring forward a deadline set for the Chinese firm’s 5G kit to be removed from the UK’s mobile networks. MPs claim ‘clear evidence of Collusion’ with the Chinese Communist Party.

Chinese firm Huawei has responded by saying “this report lacks credibility as it is built on opinion rather than fact”. The latest accusation poses a further challenge to its business. Although the company’s options in the UK are now limited.

 It is still trying to sell its 5G telecoms infrastructure to other parts of Europe and beyond, having invested heavily in the technology.

We are sure that people will see through these accusations of collusion and remember instead what the company (Huawei) has delivered for Britain over the past 20 years.

A spoke person for the company said that the ‘Communist Party links’ The House of Commons defense committee based its findings on the testimony of academics, cyber-security experts and telecom industry insiders, among others.

Chinese firm Hauwei’s executives did not testify, although they did appear before a separate parliament committee in July.

The report cites a venture capitalist who claimed the Chinese government “had financed the growth of Huawei company with some $75bn over the past three years, which he said had allowed it to sell its hardware at a ridiculously low price point and it highlights a claim made by a researcher who specializes in incorporate irregularities within China, who alleged that Huawei had engaged in a variety of intelligence, security, and intellectual property activities despite its repeated denials.

It is clear that Chinese firm Huawei is strongly linked to the Chinese state and the Chinese Communist Party, and also despite its statements to the contrary, the committee concludes.

This is evidenced by its own model and the subsidies it has received. Nuclear industry the report warns that the West should not “succumb to ill-informed anti-China hysteria”, but suggests some policy changes may be necessary.

At present, the government has said mobile networks must not buy new Huawei 5G equipment after the end of this year, and then must remove any they have installed by 2027 but the committee says ministers should consider bringing the latter deadline forward to 2025 if relations with China deteriorate or pressure from the US and other allies make it necessary.

The MPs acknowledge being told by BT and Vodafone that such a move could cause signal blackouts in parts of the country but they say operators could be compensated to minimize delays.

They also, say that Beijing had exerted pressure through “covert and overt threats” to keep Huawei in the UK’s 5G network. These are said to have included a suggestion that might block Chinese investment in the UK’s nuclear industry.

The committee says that if further threats follow, the government should “carefully consider China’s future presence in critical sectors of the economy”. it recommends the forthcoming National Security and Investment Bill gives ministers the power to ban investments they deem risky.

Beijing’s ambassador says that Chinese firm Huawei failed to improve UK security standards Nokia clinches 5G deal with BT to phase out Huawei’s kit in EE network UK and China relationship ‘seriously poisoned’.

More work is needed to work with allies to ensure there are other suppliers of telecoms equipment, the report adds and it calls on the government to avoid any further delay in introducing a telecoms bill to end what it describes as the current the situation of “commercial concerns trumping national security”.

Encrypted data The MPs reject claims that the company (Huawei’s) continued presence in the UK affects the country’s ability to share sensitive information with partners.

In Last year, one United States congressman suggested the United States and the UK might have to resort to using paper instead of electronic-based communications, but the committee says that it is content that Huawei company is sufficiently distanced from sensitive defense and national security sites, and in any case it would not be able to decipher encrypted data sent via its equipment.

 It does, however, urge GCHQ to continue its work with the firm at the Huawei Company Cyber Security Evaluation Centre (HCSEC), where the firm’s equipment is checked for flaws.

Chinese firm Huawei funds the work done there by government experts and has indicated it is willing to continue doing so for the foreseeable future.

The MPs say the government should now consider assessing equipment from “other vendors in a similar fashion“.

They also back proposals to form a D10 group of democracies to provide alternatives to Chinese technology.

Little detail has been provided about what this might actually look like, and the committee calls on the government to consult allies to set out exactly what it would entail.

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About Yuru Liu

Dr. Yuru Lui is our lead Editor for the Machine learning front at AdvanceDataScience and has 13 years of experience in the private industry, including team management. She has worked on various projects, including voice, network security, and embedded Linux, which has enabled him to look at problems from a broad perspective. She specializes in using AI and machine learning to enhance the human experience.
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